Super Thinking: The Big Book of Mental Models
Over the next bit of time, I’m going to reflect and deconstruct Super Thinking: The Big Book of Mental Models.
Over the next bit of time, I’m going to reflect and deconstruct Super Thinking: The Big Book of Mental Models.
Learning styles are a myth. But if teachers believe in the myth, does it have an impact?
In no particular order, but grouped accordingly, my goals for 2021.
Stasis, suspension, and treading-water.
In summary, that’s how 2020 felt. I’m going to keep it positive. I’m grateful for surviving this year without trauma
Does anyone else pick up on the social media narrator in their head?
I mean, the somewhat funny, trying to be witty, self-absorbed and
I’ve reached the unfortunate age where some of my childhood mentors and elders are starting to pass away.
This is life. I find these