This week we have extra long classes due to the fact that 6th and 7th grade are testing. We also have a rather large Anchor C test. This test will cover the main concepts of Manifest Destiny and the Industrial Revolution.
So the intent of this week is review as well as begin a Causes of the Civil War Project.
Objectives: History 8 & 9 (Civil War and Reconstruction)
- WU
- Quiz
- Review Sheet: Anchor C Test
- Movie Clip
- WU
- Quiz
- Finish Review Sheet
- Continue Movie Clip
- WU
- Explanation of “Causes of the Civil War” Project
- Begin “Causes of the Civil War
- Jeopardy Game: Review for Anchor C
- In the Lab for the test. Moodle
- Level 1 class – work on papers
- In the Lab: Continue Project